Can there be a natural herpes treatment with "Emotional Freedom Technique?"
Recently I talked to somebody who had no relapse of genital herpes for more than a year. The strangest part is he has not taken any medicine. The only thing he does different is, he uses EFT thrice a day, at least once on his busiest day.
He started with general EFT principles collected form Youtube videos, but presently he is using Brad Yates "Body Beyond Belief."
It is difficult to believe such results, but his unwillingness to talk about things and to keep his things to himself makes me to trust him.
Wondering what is EFT?
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EFT Energy Points |
During the tapping process you have to use a script which resembles any auto-suggestion session. One has to keep repeating this script with the tapping of respective points. When done simultaneously, the unwinding process begins.
How can EFT help in Alleviating Genital Herpes?
Genital Herpes has a very strong emotional dimension. People with strong emotional vulnerabilities are very prone to HSV1 or HSV2 infections. This emotional dimension also becomes the greatest obstacle in treating genital herpes. EFT is very effective in releasing emotional energy blocks from one's system. Then, what else can be a better solution for laying a strong physical foundation for a natural herpes treatment?
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EFT Karate Chop Energy Point |
1. TH- Top of Head
2. EB- Eye Brow
3. SE- Side of Eye
4. UE- Under the Eye
5. UN- Under the Nose
6. CH- Cheen
7. CB- Collar Bone
8. UA- Under Arm
9. KC- Karate Chop point
Truth Statement
I feel miserable that I am infected with genital herpes.
I feel hurt that my boyfriend/ girlfriend did not tell me about his/her infection and kept it a secret.
I feel responsible for landing myself in this mess.
Round 1: The Problem
EFT Setup Statements
KC - Even though I feel sooo… guilty about my herpes/cold sore infection I deeply and completely accept myself .
KC - Even though this is a great emotional and physical burden for me… I accept myself and the feelings I have, around this issue.
KC - Even though I know I am cursing myself with these feelings… I acknowledge and respect myself anyway.
EFT Sequence
TH - This Hurt weighs heavy on my mind
EB - This misery feels like a tight clamp around my body
SE - Especially when I think about it
UE - It's really hard to stop feeling guilty
UN - It makes me feel sad and disappointed in myself
CH - I feel like I have to carry this with me for ever!
CB - It doesn’t feel possible to let this Hurt go
UA - This is so heavy… and it's like a weight on my chest
Take a deep breath and roll your shoulders. Check your truth statement level in a scale of 0 - 10. The level may have gone down.
Round 2: The Turn Around - Reframe
EFT Setup Statements
KC - Even though I'm carrying this Hurt for a while, now... I forgive and accept myself anyway.
KC - Even though I don't know how to let this blame go… maybe I'll find a way.
KC - Even though I think I must hold onto this Hurt feeling... I'm open to the possibility of letting it go
EFT Sequence
TH - Part of me feels I must hold onto this Hurt and Blame.
EB - And another part of me wants to let it go and be Free.
SE - This Pain and Heaviness has really stuck around.
UE - I wonder what will happen if I let it go...
UN - If I let it go… I’ll need to forgive my Boyfriend/ Girlfriend
CH - And I’m not sure if I can forgive Him/ Her for this
CB - Maybe forgiving Him/ Her is more about realizing...
UA - that I am doing the best I can at this time
Take a deep breath and roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, roll your head and toes. Check your truth statement level in a scale of 0 - 10. The level may have gone down.
Round 3: Affirm and Appreciate - no setup
EFT Sequence
TH - It seems like I’m more open to forgiving everybody and myself about this.
EB - It FEELS good thinking about being free of this pain and heavinesst!
SE - I need not to be so hard on myself.
UE - Maybe I just need to give myself a bit of slack...and relax for now.
UN - I appreciate the new point of view I am beginning to look at this
CH - I feel my mind and body getting lighter and lighter.
CB - I am relieved that I am letting this go...
UA - and that freeing myself of these heavy feelings…
Take a deep breath and roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, roll your head and toes. Check your truth statement level in a scale of 0 - 10. The level may have gone down. Compare this to your initial level. If you want you can repeat the complete process once again.
Make sure you ask using the word FEEL instead of THINK. Even if the level of your truth statement did not go down very much, change will start to happen.
It takes at least 3 to 4 times to co-ordinate the mental and the physical process together. This happens with everybody, you are no exception. So, don't worry for that.
This script is very general and for illustration purpose, but it can offer relief. Dealing with the complete emotional and physical issues requires a more advanced form of tapping and is beyond the scope of this post. Those who are affected by negative emotional and physical states and desire permanent relief, should check up Body Beyond Belief.
Body Beyond Belief
Brad Yates, one of the world’s premiere EFT practitioners, together with one of the world’s foremost experts in personal training and rehabilitation, Christopher Pinckley, finalized the energy points, the technique and the suggestive commands for achieving this breakthrough in achieving a better body and emotional balance.
In Brad's own words:
" The result is a breakthrough program in the form of over four hours of audio, primarily made up of live work with participants to tap through their limiting beliefs and behaviors that had stood in the way of their physical goals.
As you tap along with the recordings, whether the stated issues seem to be exactly the same as yours or not, shifts will be taking place inside that will create an opening to better physical fitness than you have ever experienced."
Worth a try?
No price, in terms of time and money is more if it can bring a fundamental change in our body, mind and spirit. There is nothing more for the "Emotional Freedom Technique" to prove to the world about its efficacy. It works wonderfully in releasing stress, phobias and in getting rid of bad habits. Though the price in terms of money is not a problem, many are not disciplined enough to pay the price in terms of time. To reap the benefits of this wonderful system, one should be determined to practice it everyday.
Check Up Body Beyond Belief.
The other natural treatments for genital herpes, Body Oxygenation System.